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634 Kč
  • Без НДС:634 Kč
  • Производитель: DENAS
  • Модель:020058
  • Наличие:172

The manual covers aspects of the use of physiotherapeutic devices, which are based on the method of ..

The manual covers aspects of the use of physiotherapeutic devices, which are based on the method of neuropathic dynamic electrical stimulation.
The authors of the book sought to accessible and competent presentation of the currently available information about the new improved method of NEURODENS. Particular attention is paid to private methods with illustrations and author's comments.

The publication reveals all the possibilities of NEURODENS and helps to master various techniques.

Number of pages – 212

The method of NEURODENS starts in the body health-improving reactions, through which a number of therapeutic effects are achieved. NEURODENS has an analgesic effect, accelerates wound healing, improves local blood circulation in the organs and restores the normal regulation of the heart and blood vessels, leads to the normalization of metabolic processes and reduces the activity of pathological processes.

That is why the devices NEURODENS can be used to restore the health of the majority of known diseases.

The neural dynamic electroneurostimulation is a medical technology based on influence of weak pulse currents special damped sinusoidal shape nanomoles person on biologically active zones and points with the purpose of obtaining specific therapeutic effects.

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